You can use a power tool with the sharpening drill bit to sharpen your lawn mower blades. Just follow the existing angle of the blade. Remove metal until both sides are balanced and sharp.

Verify the balance of the blade prior to remounting it in the event that it is lopsided,as a tilted blade can cause your mower to overtax its engine. To test the balance of the blade,hang it from an anchor and observe if it sways to one side.

Safety First

A dull mower blade that’s not properly balanced can cause the mower to vibrate and possibly damage its internal components. To avoid this it is essential to sharpen and rebalance the blade after it’s been removed from the mower. Look for The Best Mower Blade Sharpener To Buy in 2023 For A Great Lawn - Backyard Workshop.

A sharp blade will allow you to cut the grass evenly and efficiently and will make your lawn healthier. After you’ve mowed your lawn,look to see if the edges are broken instead of being properly cut. Also,examine the mower blade for nicks and dents. These indicate that it needs to be sharpened.

It isn’t easy to take off the bolt that secures most lawn mower blades without damaging the mower. To make the process simpler to do,place a 2×4 between the mower and the blade to stop it from getting. Then make use of a socket or ratchet to loosen the bolt. It’s helpful to mark the bolt and blade with spray paint or a marker to help remember which way to reinstall them.

Check the Balance

It’s a great idea to examine the balance of the blade after you take it off for sharpening. A properly balanced blade keeps the mower in good shape and also protects the motor. It saves you time. To achieve this,put the blade inside a blade balancer. Note which side is more heavy. When you reinstall the knife be sure to keep in mind the heavier end when tightening bolt with your ratchet.

Most mower blades come with a single bolt or nut that holds them. It is hard to loosen these bolts without the blade and deck,so it is recommended to wedge some wood (such a 2×4) in between the deck and the blade to keep the blade still while you loosen them using your wrench or ratchet. To keep the blade from overheating,it is recommended to quench it frequently as you work. Place it in the cold water in a bucket and allow it to cool. A blade that is quenched properly will have a lovely dark edge that is as sharp as a knife.

Check the Blade

The blades are the most important part of a lawn mower and need to be kept in good order. If they’re dull or bent,the cuts the mower makes aren’t as neat as they should be. A dull blade will also pull grass instead of cutting it,leaving plants slack and susceptible to diseases.

It is a good idea to regularly inspect your blades and keep an extra set available in case of an emergency. It is also important to know how to remove the old blades with safety and properly sharpen them yourself if they are needed.

If the blades have significant bends or dents,they should be replaced. If the blade is cracked it is likely to break during mowing and propel metal debris into the air,potentially injuring someone or damaging the siding of a home.

Sharpen the Blade

It is crucial to keep the blade sharp to ensure that your lawn looks great and your mower is working properly. A dull blade tears grass instead of cutting cleanly. This can result in uneven lawn sections,and can promote disease. Depending on how frequently you use your mower,it is recommended to be sure to sharpen it at least 25 hours after every use.

You can sharpen the blade of your lawn mower by hand with the aid of a file or mechanically using a bench grinder or angle grinder. Wear safety equipment such as work gloves and eye protection in both cases. Sharpening a knife could cause sparks and metal shards that be released into your eyes and onto your skin.

If your mower is fitted with an anchor bolt that holds the blade in place it is possible to loosen it by turning the mower on its side and wedge the scrap piece of wood,such as 2x4s,between the bolt and the handle of the mower. This will stop the mower from spinning as you loosen the bolt.